The Boston Consulting Group 

The Boston Consulting Group is one of the world’s largest management consulting firms and considered a thought leader in the field with a 50-year legacy of making meaningful impact. They came to us looking to transform their brand digitally, across their website and other digital products. Designed at Carbone Smolan Agency

Role: Senior Designer
Service: Brand Development, UX, Visual Design


BCG Signature Digital Artwork

Avoiding bland business stock photography, we partnered with digital artist Reza Ali to programmatically convert web content into unique digital artwork. Each business area of BCG got its unique artwork creating a cohesive brand expression.

Project Featured In  Fast Company
Expanding the Visual Expression

We continued to partner with other digital artists and created more signature artwork for other areas within BCG. 


Women at BCG Microsite


A microsite within the careers section that highlights the amazing women that work at BCG. There is a Q&A page for each of the featured employees where users can read more about each employee.
Easy to Maintain

Our solution was to create a quilt that uses three different sized modules. These modules are easy to update and rearrange, depending on content. The grid is also responsive to the various viewport sizes.


BCG Interactive Case Library

Interactive Site

This interactive library is a way to experience the role of a BCG consultant and see how well your unique skills apply to the task. Users can choose a challenge to work through online. We redesigned the user experience and visuals for the site.
Gamifying the Experience

To gamify the experience, we ran user research to understand our user’s age and the type of apps that they might be interacting with. Using these insights, we decided to use animation and transitions to create a playful and dynamic experience.


Template Design Development

We continued to build a digital toolset designed to evolve and allow for entirely new custom modules. Taken together, BCG now has a living and growing system that can keep up with their evolving web presence.
Brand, Product & Experience Design • • 954.993.9313